National Stock Number (NSN)

An NSN number, also known as National Stock Number or NATO Stock Number, is a 13 digit numeric code for identifying standardized material items. They are recognized by all NATO Countries and the US Department of Defense.

To request a quote, please contact Ernie Taylor, Penco Government Sales Manager, 703-819-6061, [email protected]


NSN: 7125-01-391-1283

Penco Part Number:  68071

Description: Vanguard Single Tier Steel Locker, 12” Wide x 18” Deep x 72”High (Overall Height 78”), Stainless Steel Recessed Handle with Padlock Hasp (Upgraded from Projecting Handle), Flat Tops, Hat Shelf, Coat Rod with Coat Hooks, Number Plates, No Locks, One Wide.  Locker will be provided knocked down and require assembly in the field.

Color: 028 Gray (23 additional colors available at no additional charge).



NSN:  7125-01-202-2258

Penco Part Numbers: 6A249, 602114V, 60217C, 2 Ea. 60206C, 2 Ea. 9617

Description: Invincible II Heavy Duty Double Tier Steel Locker, 12” Wide x 18” Deep x 36”/72” High (Overall Height 78”), Stainless Steel Recessed Handle with Padlock Hasp, Flat Tops, Coat Hooks, Number Plates, Dead Bolt Flat Key Locks, One Wide.  Locker will be provided knocked down and require assembly in the field.  Diamond Perforated Doors and Sides.  No charge options include Louvered or Solid Doors and Solid Sides. Note: Closed Front and End Bases included.

Color: 028 Gray (23 additional colors available at no additional charge).


NSN: 7125-00-298-1926

Penco Part Number:  6243R

Description: Penco Vanguard Double Tier Steel Locker, 3 Wide Set, 45” Wide x 18” Deep x 72” High (Overall Height 78”).  Unit consists of 3 Locker Frames 15” Wide x 18” Deep x 36”/72” High (6 Doors), Stainless Steel Recessed Handles with Padlock Hasp (Upgraded from Projecting  Handle), Flat Tops, Coat Hooks, Number Plates, No Locks, Three Wide.  Lockers will be provided knocked down and require assembly in the field.

Color: 028 Gray (23 additional colors available at no additional charge).


NSN: 7125-00-274-7043

Penco Part Number: 6579V

Description: Penco Vanguard Sixteen Person Steel Locker, 69” Wide x 18” Deep x 72” High (Overall height 78” With 6” Legs), Flat Tops, Number Plates, No Locks.  Lockers will be provided knocked down and require assembly in the field.

Color: 028 Gray (23 additional colors available at no additional charge).


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1820 Stonehenge Drive,
Greenville NC 27858

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